Biotechnology with bioinformatics: Solution to problems

Biotechnology and bioinformatics are the two buzz words that have been with us from very long time. Due to the long incubation time we have become somewhat sceptical about its translation from lab to real world. But we forgot that it takes couple of decades for any subject to develop into technology and be able to contribute to the society, so becoming restless is no solution.
The field of biotechnology is full blown and it will stay here till the solution to world problems like energy requirement, hunger, poverty and good mental and physical health is attained.
So after finishing the school it’s time for students who want to work for amazing career options and at the same time contribute positively to society, Biotechnology and bioinformatics are the right choice.
Pursue Biotechnology for success stories!
Biotechnology today is not restricted to molecular biology and physiology, genes and proteins only but coming up of bioinformatics the horizons have been extended to  genomics, proteomics, agri-genomics, health genomics, disease diagnosis and drug discovery and much more.
What should be done to attain the excellence?
Well, there needs a little planning. Join a degree course in life sciences, biotechnology, biochemistry or a closely related field. The course will introduce you to the basic principles and advance fields in this area. This will form a firm foundation for your entry into this field.   
Getting experience!
Mentions in resume about learning tools and techniques and getting hands-on training in the field you want to pursue, not only reflects the interest in the field but also provide students an opportunity to explore and decide the interest area. Going for internships, project dissertations and workshops during college years helps to identify their working area.
Where to get hands-on training!      

A number of institute give training to graduate and undergraduate students. National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, AIIMS, New Delhi, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, New Delhi, National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore are good institute of India which provide training and learning in the field of bioinformatics and biotechnology.
Vanercia Institute of Technical Education under its Continuing Education Initiatives offers internships, project dissertations and workshops in biotechnology and bioinformatics. These compact courses offers basic background and fundamental resources needed to understand how to manipulate large datasets. Institute has imparted training to more than 1,000 students and researchers. Our highly qualified faculty and management staff ensures maximize understanding and implementations of learned principles by our students. Feedback by our students shows positive impact on their research, publications and career progression.
So what are you looking for?
Biotechnology has now become and interconnected field of molecular biology, biochemistry, agriculture, health technology and many more. Knowing tools and techniques is important. Start  working on it, endless career opportunities are waiting biochemist, biophysicist, microbiologist, data scientist, bioinformatics analyst, soil scientist, genomics scientist to name a few.   


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